Tips to Start Your Fitness Journey

man working out


Many people who start their fitness journey do not normally know where to start. And if or when they do jump in, most start off on the wrong foot.

While the thought of going to the gym can be scary, especially if you don’t know what is done there, there really is nothing to worry about.

If you have decided you want to work on your body shape, that’s the first step.You’re already one step closer than those who are still sitting on the sidelines.

This article will guide you on many important things you can do to keep fit and remain motivated throughout your journey.

Get Examined First

Before starting your workouts, it is advisable you consult your doctor. The professional will assess you and let you know if you are fit for exercise. They will also let you know about the type of exercise you should avoid, depending on your situation.

Set Your Goals

Setting goals is very essential. Without goals, you will be exercising blindly. Whether you want to lose weight, reduce stress, or gain muscles, your goals should be clear to help the trainer decide the best workouts for you. The goals will be a point of reference and source of direction throughout your journey.

Remember Nutrition

Getting fit is not just about exercising. You must make sure that your body is getting all the nutrients it needs. You will need a lot of proteins and carbs to get lean muscles. So, try to eat the right food. Remember, what you eat will also determine the kind of results you get. Eat a lot of vegetables, protein shakes, fruits, and healthy fats. Your nutrition choice will also depend on your fitness goals. So, make sure you get professional support in choosing what you need to eat.

Get a Personal Trainer

If you want to get the best results, it is advisable to get a personal trainer. This is extremely important, especially if you are a newbie in exercising. The professional is knowledgeable and will guide you on the right things to do. They will also encourage you to press on and not to give up.

Get Friends

Having a friend can make a big difference in your fitness journey. So, it could be a great idea to get a friend with similar goals and one who is also motivated. It will be exciting and less intimidating to have a buddy at the gym or one with almost similar goals.

Expect Setbacks

Just like any other journey in life, expect to experience setbacks and come across various obstacles. You might have a busy schedule at work or looking after various things for your family such that there is no enough time to exercise. Even through this, ensure you press on. Try looking for the time in your day when you don’t have a lot to do and hit the gym. Remember, a little exercise with protein shakes is way better than no exercise at all.

The Bottom Line

These tips are a great place to start to prepare and ensure you are ready to move steadfast towards your fitness goals. There is nothing to be afraid of and with the right knowledge and help along the way (recommended), you’re going to be on the fast track to results. All in all, by making fitness your lifestyle, you will start to not only see but truly enjoy the results.

About Theresa Duncan

Originally from Detroit, MI, Theresa has been offering health and fitness advice for the last 30 years while working as an engineer. She decided to turn her passion into a profession, and finds nothing more satisfying than helping others reach their health and fitness goals.

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